Why Defining Your Ideal Customer is Crucial

When I connect with business owners who aim to grow their businesses, my main question to them is, “Who is your ideal customer?” Surprisingly, many find this difficult to answer. However, defining your ideal customer isn’t just about external factors like demographics or past clients. It’s about looking inward first.

Start from Within

Before analyzing external data, reflect on yourself. Ask, “Who are the people I want to be surrounded with the most?” As a business owner, you spend a significant amount of time understanding, attracting, and serving your customers. This makes it crucial to choose people you genuinely care about and want to work with.

Imagine spending your days researching what your customers like, what they enjoy doing, their dreams, desires, and challenges. If you’re not passionate about these people, your business can quickly become a drain. By aligning your ideal customer with your personal values and interests, you infuse your work with fulfillment and joy.

The Inside-Out Approach

Business can be challenging. It demands your attention, energy, and time. Many entrepreneurs struggle because they attempt to run their businesses from the outside in, focusing solely on external metrics and trends. Instead, start from within and define your business around who you truly want to serve. This alignment makes even the toughest business challenges more manageable.

Clarify Your Ideal Customer

Once you know who you want to serve from the heart, delve into their world:

  1. Challenges and Problems: Understand their daily struggles and how your product or service can solve them.
  2. Dreams and Desires: Know what they aspire to achieve.
  3. Leisure Time: Learn how they spend their free time.
  4. Decision-Making: Identify if they are the main decision-makers in their lives or businesses.
  5. Income Level and Money Mindset: Recognize their financial status and mindset towards money.
The Money Mindset

A significant aspect women entrepreneurs struggle with is the money part. You might want to help every entrepreneur regardless of their financial status, but your business needs to be profitable. Addressing limiting beliefs about money is crucial. For instance, someone with a lack mindset often focuses on what’s missing and may be challenging to serve. In contrast, those with an abundance mindset value the transformation you provide and are more open to your offerings.

If you’re in B2B, remember that behind every business is a person. Whether it’s a CEO or an HR manager, their company size and mindset about money affect their expectations from your services.

Know Your Customer’s Consciousness Level

Understanding your ideal customer’s consciousness about abundance or lack can help you tailor your approach. Customers with a lack mindset can be tougher to satisfy, while those with an abundance mindset appreciate the value you bring. This awareness helps you position your offerings effectively and connect deeply with your audience.


To truly thrive as an entrepreneur, your business must align with who you are and who you wish to serve. Start from within to define your ideal customer, and your business will become not just profitable but also fulfilling.