About Liina Vettik

Elustiiliettevõtja, investor, coach ja koolitaja, kelle südameasjaks on aidata inimestel teha raha sellega, mis on neile südamelähedane. Meil kõigil oma missioon, millega maailma paremaks muuta ja millega omakorda ka luua endale elu, mida me sisimas soovime.

Time to build your dream business

Time to build your dream business. Are you constantly feeling like there aren’t enough hours in the day? You're not alone. Many ambitious women entrepreneurs juggle countless roles—business owner, partner, mother, friend—and often feel overwhelmed. But [...]

2024-12-02T14:44:28+02:00December 2, 2024|Comments Off on Time to build your dream business

What do you want to experience as an entrepreneur?

What do you want to experience as an entrepreneur? Many of us, as entrepreneurs, are driven by a desire to prove something. It’s what propels us forward, fuels our ambitions, and helps us achieve revenue goals [...]

2024-11-18T23:36:20+02:00November 18, 2024|Comments Off on What do you want to experience as an entrepreneur?

Unlocking Your Next Level as a Woman Entrepreneur

Unlocking Your Next Level as a Woman Entrepreneur. If you’re struggling to reach that next level, whether it’s a steady income, scaling to six or seven figures, or creating a business that runs itself, you’re not alone. [...]

2024-11-11T06:24:05+02:00November 11, 2024|Comments Off on Unlocking Your Next Level as a Woman Entrepreneur

3 Fundamentals for sustainable business growth

3 fundamentals for sustainable business growth. You crave success, balance, fulfillment, and the freedom to "have it all." But sometimes, juggling it all feels overwhelming—especially if you’re a mother or managing multiple roles. What if you [...]

2024-10-21T08:30:35+03:00October 21, 2024|Comments Off on 3 Fundamentals for sustainable business growth
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