Entrepreneurship: It’s a Journey, Not a Straight Line

The road to success as an entrepreneur is not as linear as many of us think. There will be exhilarating highs and challenging lows. You’ve probably experienced this in every area of your life—it’s natural. Business is no different.

Having been in the business world for over 15 years, I’ve experienced it all. I’ve built companies, sold some, watched some fail, and others are thriving right now. And trust me, even in my coaching business, after seven years, I still face ups and downs. But here’s the thing: you’re not meant to push through constantly. Just like the seasons, life ebbs and flows.

In nature, there’s spring, where everything expands, blooms, and grows. Then summer arrives, full of life and energy. But autumn slows things down, and in winter, everything goes into hibernation. You are part of nature too. There will be seasons of growth, and there will be times when you need to retreat, reflect, and recharge.

Stop the Hustle—Start Trusting Your Instincts

As ambitious women, we often push ourselves relentlessly. We think we need to be like robots—constantly producing, achieving, and proving ourselves. But here’s the truth: the more you hustle, the farther your vision can seem.

Research has shown that the more people grind, the harder it becomes to reach their goals. It’s as if those dreams slip further away the more we sacrifice and struggle. But when we let go, trust the process, and listen to our instincts, we begin to flow toward our vision with greater ease.

You’ve likely heard of Dr. Maxwell Maltz’s work in Psycho-Cybernetics. He explains how our brain works: the easiest way to reach our goals is to envision them clearly. Imagine yourself already there. The magic happens when you take instinctual, aligned actions daily. Whether it’s a networking event or a moment of rest, listen to what you need and let that guide your day.

Embrace the Ups and Downs

Building a business isn’t about constant grind and hustle. There are intense days when everything flows, and then there are slower, quieter days when it’s about taking smaller, less demanding steps. Both are equally important.

You may be trying everything to land your first client or break through a plateau, but things aren’t moving. Then suddenly, you get a big win that propels you forward. This process looks different for each of us because we are all unique. Our energy, confidence, and backgrounds are different. But as long as you stay clear on your vision and keep moving forward, you’ll get there. Trust the timing of your journey.

Resilience + Clear Vision = Unstoppable Success

If there’s one key takeaway, it’s this: to build wealth with ease, you need resilience. But what keeps you resilient? A clear vision and a deep connection to your “why.” Why are you doing this? What is it that makes this work so important to you? It has to come from your heart, not just from the desire for money or success. Your mission needs to light you up from the inside because it’s who you are.

Stay clear on your vision, play the “dream game,” and see yourself already there. Today’s reality is simply a reflection of yesterday’s thoughts. So if you think in terms of where you’re headed, that vision has no choice but to manifest. Trust yourself, trust your journey, and know that everything is unfolding perfectly for you.

Even if things don’t go as planned, life is always working for you. Every twist and turn is designed to help you grow and bring you closer to your dreams, often faster than you imagined.

So, to all the ambitious women out there who want to have it all—remember: you are enough. Your vision is unfolding as it should. Trust the process, listen to your instincts, and take the aligned action that feels right for you today. The success, the wealth, the fulfillment—it’s all coming.