About Liina Vettik

Elustiiliettevõtja, investor, coach ja koolitaja, kelle südameasjaks on aidata inimestel teha raha sellega, mis on neile südamelähedane. Meil kõigil oma missioon, millega maailma paremaks muuta ja millega omakorda ka luua endale elu, mida me sisimas soovime.

The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people

The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people. Success isn’t just about strategy, it’s about mindset. The difference between those who merely survive and those who thrive isn't luck or talent—it's the mindset that fuels their [...]

2024-09-01T23:16:40+03:00September 2, 2024|Comments Off on The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people

Self-sabotaging blueprint for women entrepreneurs

Self-sabotaging blueprint for women entrepreneurs. The journey of entrepreneurship, especially for women, often comes with unique challenges. You might be balancing the demands of a growing business, the desire to be a present partner, and the [...]

2024-08-11T14:16:08+03:00August 12, 2024|Comments Off on Self-sabotaging blueprint for women entrepreneurs

3 challenges early-stage female entrepreneurs face

3 challenges early-stage female entrepreneurs face. Statistics reveal a stark reality: nearly 70% of women entrepreneurs earn less than $25,000 a year. This isn't just a number; it’s a wake-up call. It’s time to change this [...]

2024-08-04T14:50:22+03:00August 5, 2024|Comments Off on 3 challenges early-stage female entrepreneurs face

How to be authentic and separate yourself from the competition?

How to be authentic and separate yourself from the competition? Should you fear it? Should it keep you up at night? Let's unpack this together and shift your perspective towards a more abundant, fearless entrepreneurial journey. Reframing [...]

2024-07-05T00:01:18+03:00July 15, 2024|Comments Off on How to be authentic and separate yourself from the competition?

What is needed for a stable and steadily growing income in your business?

What is needed for a stable and steadily growing income in your business? Today, I want to address a critical topic that many small business owners and self-employed women face: creating a steady income flow. The Struggle [...]

2024-07-03T23:21:52+03:00July 8, 2024|Comments Off on What is needed for a stable and steadily growing income in your business?
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