Why sh#t happens? Today, let’s talk about a transformative idea: Life happens for you, not to you. This simple yet powerful belief can revolutionize how you approach every challenge on your entrepreneurial journey.

The Trap of the Victim Mindset

Many of us have been conditioned to believe that we are victims of our circumstances. Whether it’s our upbringing, external setbacks, or personal challenges, we feel life is happening to us, leaving us powerless. But as entrepreneurs, especially as ambitious women aiming to build something extraordinary, this mindset holds us back.

Think about it: if you’re holding onto the idea that you’re a victim of your past, your environment, or even your current business struggles, how can you rise above them? This mindset stifles your growth, making it impossible to reach the vision you hold for your business and life. You might have the goal of becoming a successful entrepreneur or leader, but in order to sustain that vision, you must grow into the person who can hold that success.

Challenges Are Your Greatest Teachers

You might be thinking, “But I’ve faced real setbacks—how can those be happening for me?” Imagine this scenario: You’ve just secured a meeting with a game-changing investor or client. You’re ready to take your business to the next level, and then, out of nowhere, you fall sick right before the big day. The frustration, the anger—it feels like life is working against you, doesn’t it?

Here’s the truth: every setback, every roadblock is an opportunity to heal, grow, and evolve. When life brings up these intense emotions—anger, disappointment, fear—it’s highlighting areas in you that need attention. It’s pointing to the insecurities or limiting beliefs you need to address to become the person capable of running the thriving business you dream of.

A Personal Story of Growth

I’ll share a story that completely changed my perspective on this. Years ago, I was on the verge of signing a contract with the perfect partner for my venture. Everything seemed aligned, and the future of my business looked promising. But just as we were about to seal the deal, my three-year-old daughter suffered a stroke. In that moment, my world stopped. My priorities shifted entirely to her, and business took a backseat.

At first, I was devastated, thinking, “Why is this happening to me?” I was caught in the victim mindset. But something shifted a few days later when my brother said something that hit me hard: “You didn’t deserve this.” He meant well, but I realized that I was indeed stuck in a victim role. It was a wake-up call. I started asking, “Why is this happening for me?”

With time, I saw that had I signed that contract, I would have taken my business in a direction that wasn’t aligned with my true self. The setback gave me the clarity to realign with my heart’s desires, and it also deepened my relationship with my daughter in ways I could never have imagined.

Life was guiding me toward a path that was truer to who I am, even though I couldn’t see it in the moment.

Shifting From Victim to Hero

So, how can you apply this mindset shift in your life? Start by embracing the challenges you face. Whether it’s a business deal falling through, a difficult client, or personal struggles—ask yourself, “Why is this happening for me?”

What emotions are coming up? Is it fear of failure? A lack of trust in yourself? Those emotions are clues pointing to areas where you need to heal and grow. And as you work through those, you become stronger, more confident, and better equipped to handle the success you’re building toward.

Every challenge is an opportunity for growth. And as you rise from each one, you’re not just building a business—you’re becoming the person capable of holding the life you truly desire.

Embrace the Journey

Ladies, this journey of entrepreneurship isn’t just about hitting milestones or achieving external success. The real prize is the person you become along the way. The self-belief, the resilience, the clarity you gain—that is what’s most valuable.

So, the next time you face a challenge, don’t shrink back. Don’t fall into the victim mindset. Remember, life is happening for you, not to you. It’s guiding you, shaping you, and preparing you for the success that’s waiting on the other side.

Embrace the journey, embrace the growth, and know that you are the hero of your story.

If this message resonates with you, stay connected by following me on Instagram or subscribing to my newsletter. Together, we can create the lives and businesses we’ve always dreamed of.