Today we’re diving into a transformative topic that’s close to my heart: self-employed vs being an entrepreneur. Whats the difference?

The Self-Employed Trap

Many of us start our businesses with dreams of freedom—time freedom, financial freedom and the freedom to choose our clients and work schedules. Yet, statistically, about 70% of women entrepreneurs find themselves stuck in a self-employed cycle, doing everything in their business by themselves. This includes product or service delivery, customer service, marketing, sales, and even bookkeeping. Sound familiar?

Identifying Where You Are

Before we delve deeper, it’s crucial to recognize where you are. Are you content with handling everything in your business? Or did you envision more—a system that runs smoothly without your constant involvement, providing the freedom and financial stability you crave?

The Mindset Shift

Self-employed individuals tend to control every aspect of their business. They measure their worth by the amount of hard work they put in, often believing that their personal involvement is essential for success. This mindset can be limiting and exhausting.

Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, approach their business as a visionary project. They build systems and delegate tasks, creating a business that can function independently. Their mindset is one of trust and delegation, not control.

Building Systems and Trusting Your Team

To transition from self-employed to entrepreneur, you need to let go of the limiting belief that “work equals worth.” Understand that building a successful business doesn’t mean doing everything yourself; it means creating efficient systems and trusting your team to manage those systems.

Here’s how you can start:

  1. Hire and Delegate: Identify tasks that can be delegated and hire people who are passionate and skilled in those areas.
  2. Create Efficient Systems: Develop systems for every department of your business—marketing, sales, customer service, etc. Ensure these systems can function smoothly without your constant oversight.
  3. Trust and Empower: Shift from controlling every detail to trusting your team. Empower them to take ownership and make improvements to the systems.
Visionary Leadership

As a visionary leader, your role is to set the vision and inspire your team to achieve it. This doesn’t mean you step away entirely, but rather that you focus on strategic decisions and long-term goals while your team handles the day-to-day operations.

In my real estate development business with my husband, I take on the visionary role. I make strategic decisions and inspire our team, while my husband, acting as CEO, manages the daily operations. This division of roles ensures our business runs smoothly and allows me to focus on growing and innovating.

Making the Transition

If you’re ready to make the shift from self-employed to entrepreneur, start by seeing yourself as a visionary. Take actions based on this new identity. Build systems, hire a team, and trust them to bring your vision to life.

Join Our Mentorship Program

If you’re unsure how to start this transition or need guidance on building business systems and changing your mindset, I invite you to book a strategy call with our team. Join our mentorship program where I will teach you the principles of entrepreneurial thinking and provide coaching to help you build a business that works for you.


Remember, the journey from self-employed to entrepreneur is not just about changing your business model—it’s about changing your mindset. It’s about seeing your business as a piece of art, a system that can function and grow independently of your daily input. If you’re ready to have it all—time freedom, financial freedom, and a business that works for you—take the first step today.

Book your strategy call now and start transforming your business into a thriving, independent asset. You can book a call from here: